11758 Southwest Fwy, Houston, 77031
(281) 933-2623
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"Anyone Can Dance" Cumbia/Bachata (Wednesday 8pm)

If you want to learn new moves when you go social dancing and would like to impress others when you go to clubs, especially in Houston area, then this Newcomer Bachata dance class is a must-do. This dance can be found at every local Social Latin dance culture. So, if you want to meet and dance with people, than learn to dance Bachata !


Cumbia/Bachata group dance class at DanceSport Club in Houston

Cumbia Moves and Steps

A basic step often seen in Cumbia dancing is the back-break basic. Cumbia is characterized by a "wind-up" motion and it is often danced in a circular pattern sometimes called the Columbian or Cumbia circle basic.

Like most Latin dances, Cumbia is closely related to Swing and there are many common moves found in Cumbia and Swing. In Costa Rica, they call the Cumbia, "El Swing".

Bachata Moves and Steps

Bachata music has four beats per measure. In Bachata dancing, the dancer takes three steps to four beats of music. As with Salsa, the step timing is three steps and then a one-beat pause. The knees are flexed on the steps. Given its humble origins, the steps are flat footed.

The chasse basic is three steps in one direction (side-close-side-tap or touch) and the same pattern in the other direction. Nightclub dancers add a lift or hip motion on the tap/touch step. The timing if called out sounds like "one, two, three, uh; one, two, three, uh."

The walking basic is similar, with the dancers walking forward and back rather than side to side.

Difficulty Level Easy
Experience Required No
Do I Need Partner? No partner needed